We really loved Potes but it was time to make our way to Asturias. We drove a highly-lauded mountain highway but, because of the increasing fog and rain, we didn't get to see the views that were described as some of the best the Picos de Europa have to offer. Bummer. But, it was an ADVENTURE...see below:
The fog increased as we climbed higher...when it started to POUR rain I almost wanted to turn back, but we pressed on and made our way out of the mountain passes. The photo below shows the sign welcoming us to the region of Castilla-Leon in the pouring rain.
One of my favorite things about the street signs in Spain is that they are always "reminding" you of something that was previously posted. See below one of the MANY cow-crossing signs we came across, along with RECUERDE so that you remember you are in a cow zone.
As you can see, the sign came in handy as we came across some butterscotch milk cows in the road.
They are sooo cute!
The rapid change in terrain has been impressive - we went from the forested Picos straight into the deep gorges of the Desfiladero de los Beyos.
At times, the road was literally carved into the side of the mountain.
On occasion we would see a random anciano (old person) walking along the highway, probably making their way from one village to the next. We even saw a very old woman pushing a wheel barrow along the side of the road, but we weren't quick enough to snap a photo. This man was ready for anything in his boina (hat) and with his paraguas (umbrella).
Soon we found ourselves on the other side of the Picos.
And we were rewarded with a room at the quaint Pension Begon~a in Posada de Valde'on, a popular hiking base. We saw busloads of Spaniards of all ages dressed in their hiking gear and arriving at the village, only to be disappointed with the rain and low clouds. Hiking and montaineering are very popular in Spain and it was obvious in the Picos de Europa...there were Spanish tourists everywhere we went.
The hotel is ADORABLE. Your pictures are all turning out so beautiful too! Bet you are happy that you got the camera with the panoramic now! I LOVE the old man-he is the short version of grandpa, with his beret and his cane....too cute.